Все по старому. Обновились некоторые модули. Многие старые перестали идти т.к. проверяли if (theVersion <> "3.2") Приходтся ручками лечить. А вообще то:
ArcView GIS 3.3 provides key updates to many of the tools that are part of ArcView GIS. ArcView GIS 3.3 includes updates to many of the extensions, including CAD Reader, ERDAS® IMAGINE® Image Reader and the NITF Data Reader. Also, the Projection Utility has been enhanced for greater performance. The Report Writer™ has been updated by including Crystal Reports® 8.5 by Crystal Decisions®. Database Access 2.1c is also included to support the latest ArcSDE™ databases and provide direct connections to ArcSDE data.