Как, если нет возможности приобрести несколько лицензий ArcInfo/ArcEditor для редактирования GDB в ArcSDE?
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RemoteEditor - .NET Remoting in ArcMap
A good example of using Remoting from within ArcMap can be seen with the RemoteEditor extension. The basic concept of the extension is to allow multiple ArcView 8.x clients the ability to edit ArcSDE Geodatabases using stateful transactions that can interact with the Geodatabase’s versioning and conflict detection engines. It accomplishes this by using client side resources to cache user edit information, which are then sent to the server for commitment to the database. If conflicts are detected on the server, the resulting information is sent back to the client for further user interaction. The .NET Remoting architecture greatly simplifies the communication process by seamlessly allowing entire object graphs to traverse the network and by allowing for remoted objects to be passed by value and by reference.
An interesting side benefit of using a remote editing workspace is the ability to work with ArcIMS Image Services on the client while still being able to edit the ArcSDE layers that makeup that service. By managing the editable workspace (IWorkspaceEdit) from behind the firewall, the server component can interact with the Geodatabase as it normally would on the secure server LAN, while the ArcMap client that is holding the remoted proxy may be connecting from across the Internet. The benefit being a single ArcIMS service that can be viewed and edited from multiple, geographically separate ArcMap (ArcView) instances. Unlike ArcIMS Feature Services, the Image Service could be shared by browser based clients as well.
The RemoteEditor consists of three major parts, a client side ArcMap Extension (REE) and a server side component (RES) that handles the editing by managing a pool of worker processes. The third part is set of general classes that are referenced by both the client and server, essentially providing a common bridge between the two. Naturally, esriCore is referenced on both sides as well.
Figure 4 - ArcMap RemoteEditor extension allows multiple ArcView clients to edit versioned ArcSDE layers
или какие- то другие.