Слушай, как ты нашел Багов (я так понял, там супруги этим занимаются)? Прочитал про Manifold в сети и в списке рассылки gislist@geocomm.com, связался с Ротовым из Manifold насчет попробовать прогу (всетаки не хочется кота в мешке, хоть и за небольшие деньги), но по его сведениям в России дилеров нет:
Sorry to reply in English, but I do not have a Cyrillic keyboard on this computer. I do not know of a source for Manifold in Russia, but I know
that some dealers are reselling it informally. I will check with my colleagues to see who a supplier may be and what the price is.
In the interim, we have many customers in Russia who buy using a credit card at the regular Western price of $245, with delivery by Federal Express to
Russia ($35 to Moscow). I will check to see if we can get you a better deal.
It seems that the manifold.ru resellers are no longer active. Our customers in Russia have been buying Manifold directly from manifold.net, using credit cards to purchase on the Online Store, with delivery either by Global Priority mail ($15) or by Federal Express ($35 to $75, depending on where in Russia the address is).
Unfortunately, we do not have trial editions. I can understand that you would want to see the program first. The usual way we deal with that is
with our 30 day, money-back guarantee: see
http://www.manifold.net/shop/miscinfo.html for details. If a customer is not happy with Manifold after buying it he can return it within 30 days with no questions asked. Given the difficulty of moving money from a ministery, I realize that the money-back guarantee is not very useful to you.
There is a good possibility that after the next version of Manifold, release 5.50, is out in a month we will begin providing trial editions.
Мне бы тоже хотелось узнать, может все таки есть какая нить контора, которая здесь продает эту программу, так как наша бухгалтерия не хочет заморачиваться с заграницей (а там ещё и таможня подсосется и тому подобное).