Это пример как вытащить координаты узлов у выбранного объекта. Правдо на VB6.
If pMap.SelectionCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Выберите объект", vbInformation, "Сообщение"
Set pSelected = pMap.FeatureSelection
Set pFeature = pSelected.Next
Set pGeom = pFeature.Shape
pUid = "esriEditorExt.Adjustment"
Set pAdjust = m_pApp.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUid)
'Create or select a text file to save limit adjust polygon
Set pGxDialog = New GxDialog
pGxDialog.Title = "Сохранить координаты"
Set pObjFilter = New GxFilterTextFiles
Set pGxDialog.ObjectFilter = pObjFilter
If (pGxDialog.DoModalSave(m_pApp.hWnd) = True) Then
pGeom.Project pMap.SpatialReference
'Get vertices of limit adjust area
Set pPointColl = pGeom 'pAdjust.LimitedAdjustmentArea
Set pEnumVertex = pPointColl.EnumVertices
'Save the file as .txt file
sFileName = pGxDialog.FinalLocation.FullName + "\" + pGxDialog.Name
If StrComp(Right(pGxDialog.Name, 4), ".txt") <> 0 Then
sFileName = sFileName + ".txt"
End If
'Save each point in each line of the text file
Open sFileName For Output As #1
For i = 1 To pPointColl.PointCount - 1
pEnumVertex.Next pPoint, lPart, lVertex
Print #1, pPoint.X & vbTab & pPoint.Y
Next i
Close #1
End If
End If