I'm pretty sure you can set the standalone table to the ITable.
Then you'll need to loop through all the records and add each attribute to a list/array.
But, before you add it to the array you need to loop through the list/array to see if the attribute that is presently trying to add exists. If it does delete the row if not proceed with the loop. Я довольно уверен, что
Dim pTable As ITable
pTable = StandaloneTable
Dim pArray As IArray
Dim pCursor As ICursor
pCursor = pTable.GetRows(Nothing, True)
Dim pRow As IRow, i As Integer, n As Integer, pExists As Boolean
pRow = pCursor.NextRow
pExists = False
For n = 0 To pTable.RowCount(Nothing) - 1
For i = 0 To pArray.Count - 1
If pRow.Value(0) = pArray.Element(i) Then ' 0 is equivilent to the 1st field in the table. 1 = 2nd ect.
pExists = True
Else : End If
Next i
Select Case pExists
Case Is = False
Case True
End Select
pExists = False
pRow = pCursor.NextRow
Next n