Пытаюсь переместить вертексы полигона
Sub Hyperlink(pLink, pLayer)
Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer
Dim pFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
Set pFLayer = pLayer
Set pFeatureClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass
Dim pQFilt As IQueryFilter
Set pQFilt = New QueryFilter
FieldIndex = pFeatureClass.FindField("Shape")
Dim pFeature As IFeature, pGeometry As IGeometry, pPointCollection As IPointCollection
Dim pPoint As IPoint, nPoint As IPoint
For i = 1 To pFeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt)
Set pFeature = pFeatureClass.GetFeature(i)
Set pGeometry = pFeature.Value(FieldIndex)
Set pPointCollection = pGeometry
For j = 1 To pPointCollection.PointCount - 1
Set pPoint = pPointCollection.Point(j)
X = pPointCollection.Point(j).X
pPoint.X = pPoint.X + 10000
pPoint.Y = pPoint.Y + 10000
pPointCollection.UpdatePoint j, pPoint
X = pPointCollection.Point(j).X - X
MsgBox X
Next j
Next i
End Sub
MsgBox показывает 10000, а полигон не смещается.