pWorkspaceEdit.StartEditing (True)
intCount = 0
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
While Not pFeature Is Nothing
pFeature.Value(lField_OWNER) = strValue
intCount = intCount + 1
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
pWorkspaceEdit.StopEditing (True)
Хотя насчет pFeature.Store у меня у самого ясности нет, правильно ли в данной ситуации использовать именно его
из-за надписи в хелпе
Store should not be used for batch operations, such as updates or inserts.
For performing a number of inserts or updates using cursors,
refer to the ITable::Insert, ITable::Update, ITable::UpdateSearchedRows ,
IFeatureClass::Update andIFeatureClass::Insert.
If an insert or uppdate cursor is used on non-simple features
(such as network features), the cursor will revert to using Store.