Добавление shp файла в группу а VBA

0 голосов
спросил 22 Июль, 05 от Гость (210,080 баллов) в категории Программные продукты Esri
Приветствую, всех

Возникла проблема при добавлении файла shp в слой-группу (GroupLayer) ArcScene из VBA. Причем если добавлять файл просто на scene методом pSxDoc.Scene.AddLayer - то все работает, а как только пишешь pGroupLayer.Add - файл вроде добавляется, и то это увидишь тока после того как ручками сделаешь Refresh этой самой группе

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Public Function GetMainLayer(sLayer) As ILayer
Dim pSxDoc As ISxDocument
Dim i As Integer
Dim pLayers As IEnumLayer
Dim pLayer As ILayer

On Error GoTo GetLayer_Err

If IsNumeric(sLayer) Then
' if numeric index, this is easy:
      If TypeOf Application.Document Is ISxDocument Then
           Set pSxDoc = Application.Document
           Set GetMainLayer = pSxDoc.Scene.Layer(sLayer)
      End If
' iterate through document layers looking for a name match:
      If TypeOf Application.Document Is ISxDocument Then
           Set pSxDoc = Application.Document
           Set pLayers = pSxDoc.Scene.Layers

           Set pLayer = pLayers.Next
           Do While Not pLayer Is Nothing
               If UCase(sLayer) = UCase(pLayer.Name) Then
                    Set GetMainLayer = pLayer
                   Exit Function
               End If
                Set pLayer = pLayers.Next
      End If
End If
Exit Function


End Function

Public Sub RefreshDoc()

On Error GoTo RefreshDoc_ERR

Dim pSxDoc As ISxDocument
Set pSxDoc = Application.Document



Exit Sub

Debug.Print "RefreshDocument_ERR: " & err.Description
Debug.Assert 0

End Sub

Public Function OpenShapeFile(ADir As String, AName As String) As IFeatureClass
Dim pWSFact As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim connectionProperties As IPropertySet
Dim pShapeWS As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim isShapeWS As Boolean

Set OpenShapeFile = Nothing

Set pWSFact = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
isShapeWS = pWSFact.IsWorkspace(ADir)
If (isShapeWS) Then
    On Error GoTo errhandler
    Set connectionProperties = New PropertySet
    connectionProperties.SetProperty "DATABASE", ADir
    Set pShapeWS = pWSFact.Open(connectionProperties, 0)
    Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
    Set pFClass = pShapeWS.OpenFeatureClass(AName)
    Set OpenShapeFile = pFClass
End If
End Function

Public Function LoadLayer(ALayerName As String, ADir As String, AFileName As String, AGroupLayer As IGroupLayer) As ILayer

    Dim pSxDoc As ISxDocument
    Set pSxDoc = ThisDocument

    Dim pFC As IFeatureClass
    Set pFC = OpenShapeFile(ADir, AFileName)
     ' Create a layer from the shapefile and add it to scene:
    Dim pLayer As IFeatureLayer
    Set pLayer = New FeatureLayer
    Set pLayer.FeatureClass = pFC
    pLayer.Name = ALayerName
    If AGroupLayer Is Nothing Then
        pSxDoc.Scene.AddLayer pLayer, True
        AGroupLayer.Add pLayer
    End If
    Set LoadLayer = pLayer
End Function

Public Sub test()

     Dim ll As ILayer

     Set ll = LoadLayer("Wall", "D:\Temp\Cad\Source\shp", "Wall 0_00_lyr", GetMainLayer("Отметка -0.00"))


End Sub

2 Ответы

0 голосов
ответил 23 Июль, 05 от Alexander1 (32,520 баллов)

Поробуй изменить LoadLayer таким образом:

Dim pContView As IContentsView

If AGroupLayer Is Nothing Then
        pSxDoc.Scene.AddLayer pLayer, True 
        AGroupLayer.Add pLayer
        Set pContView = pSxDoc.CurrentContentsView
        pContView.Refresh AGroupLayer
End If


0 голосов
ответил 25 Июль, 05 от Гость (210,080 баллов)
Все равно не обновляет. Слой появляется только после рефреша ручками.

Dim pContView As IContentsView поменял на
Dim pContView As ISxContentsView, т.к. Type mismatch
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