- New 'From graphics' command allows you to convert graphics elements of the active map into features. New created features are stored in corresponding feature classes, according to their geometry types. Names of new classes consists of a name, set by the user and a suffix, indicating geometry type (e.g. "classname_polyline"). Text associated with the graphics is stored into 'Text' field of the target feature class.
- 'TypeConvert' extention allows you to convert one type feature class
to another type feature class(Polygon <-> Polyline <-> Points).
Also, you can convert feature class into convex hull or envelope. In this case new polygon
feature class containing only one feature (convex hull or envelope) will be created.
- 'To Centroid' command allows you to create a new point feature class with all attributes from the center points (centroids) of the features in the current layer. A centroid of a feature is the spatial location of its envelope center.
- 'Convert to *.bln' command allows you to export feature class with 2-dimentional geometry (polyline, polygon)
to GoldenSoftware blanking file (*.bln) for using this file in GS Surfer.
- 'Stratification' command allows you to stratify current layer, classified by categories or quantities, to set of layers according the current legend. The layer must has symbology, based on single field. Names, aliases of the new feature classes are based on a attribute name, value of a class and a label of a class. All created feature classes keep attributes of source feature class. Styles of classes and categories are kept in new layers.
'TypeConvert' works with current selected layer. If more than one layer is selected, it works with the first selected layer.
'TypeConvert' works with multipart objects and MZ geometries.
1. You can project new feature class to data frame coordinate system.
2. You can convert selected objects (features) only.
3. You can convert all objects (features) in view extent.
4. You can convert feature class into the same feature class.
5. If a point feature class is converted, a new two special fields("gsGroup","gsOrder")
will be created.'gsGroup' field contains a group number. 'gsOrder' field contains an
order number in group. It's very important for polyline feature class creatation.
You should specify group number and object number in group for each object(feature) in point feature class.
Extention install and registry:
1. Launch _Registry.bat to registry TypeConvert.dll
2. In ArcMap click Tools>Extentions and check TypeConvert.
3. Add data or open project.
4. Select(!) layer you want to convert.
5. To convert selected layer select command in 'Convert' group menu.